The mission of Achelois Collective Education (#ACed) is to challenge the norm in music education by 

  • PROMOTING marginalised artist voices in both discussion and performance;

  • PROVOKING creative solutions to the socioeconomic challenges present in music education culture; and

  • INSPIRING innovative and fresh approaches in both contemporary and classical music contexts.

On our website and our social media, we invite learners of all ages and abilities to thoughtfully and innovatively engage with music. Here we’ll feature short lessons and creative challenges that carry out our mission. Music educators, pre-professional musicians, professional artist-musicians, and adults with no musical training can all interact with our alternative approaches to understanding and participating in the creation of art, sound, and music. 

How you might use our education material:

  • Music educators can introduce our concepts in their lessons and classes

  • Musicians can incorporate our concepts in their regular practice and study

  • Non-musicians can experiment with our concepts to learn more about music-making

Our in-school programming challenges K–12 students to create artistic and social change throughout all stages of their musical journeys. By highlighting artists and approaches not often included in standard music education curricula, we encourage students to embrace new artistic and social values that can create a more positive future for both themselves and their colleagues. Please contact us for more information on bringing our programming into your school!