Entirely women-led and virtual, the Achelois Collective (AC) focuses the power of its diverse coalition to challenge and nurture the community via their artistic platform. They seek to uphold their motto of Promote, Provoke, Inspire by performing the following: they promote and honor the incredible artistic contributions of queer, BIPOC, and women artists; provoke audiences to examine their world views, values, and privilege with a critical eye; and inspire a revolution of proactive social change in their communities that leaves no room for lip service.

Our Name

 “Achelois” (pronounced "ah-khe-LOH-ees") was a minor goddess of Greek mythology whose name translates to “She who washes away pain." Through their focus to change hearts and minds through inclusive, collaborative, and educational musicking, the artists of TAC seek to truly evoke the goddess’s legacy. 

Our Story

Founded in June of 2019 following an intensive 2-week festival, the Achelois Collective have since dedicated their passions and time to serving the communities around them. They uphold their mission through acts of individual service, virtual concert toasts to underrepresented women of history with our signature online concert series, and the development of a K-12 classroom curriculum. Already a cross-continental and therefore virtual ensemble prior to the COVID-19 tragedy, the Achelois Collective used this opportunity to reach an even wider audience clamoring for content amidst lockdowns, global strife and societal unrest.

Our Work

In 2020, the AC launched their “Here’s to…” concert series that honors underrepresented women of history in one-hour virtual educational concerts, featuring Sor Juana de la Cruz, Audre Lorde, and others. The AC premiered the electroacoustic Consanguinity for the 2020 Crosstown Arts Festival in Memphis, of which two movements will be heard tonight. They appeared at the 2021 New Music Gathering with their thought-provoking Money Buys Not Only Power, but Culture. The AC is active in their community’s education with their #ACed contributions such as weekly improvisation challenges and anonymous failure stories, engaging their audience of all backgrounds. Although their 2021-2022 concludes with the Lacroute Residency, their 2022-2023 season will feature “Here’s to” concerts for Zitkala Ska, in-person performances in the Chicagoland area, and a potential all-ensemble album recording.