Improvisation Prompt: improvise a word, sentence, or conversation

A couple weeks ago, we talked about improvising based on poetry. This week is similar in that we’ll be using words as the basis of our improvisations, but this time we invite you to explore words in a less artsy-sense. For example, think of the last conversation you had. How would that appear as art?

*Adult non-musicians: Think of a conversation you had recently, whether is was as trivial as discussing what you’re making for dinner or as complex as sharing about difficult times. Turn that conversation into an abstract sketch. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy! Does your sketch make you think differently about that conversation?

K–8: Improvise your first name! Maybe you want to make a melodic line based on the shapes of the letters, or maybe you choose sounds that represent who you are or how you feel. Then try to improvise a friend or family member’s name. Finally put the two improvisations together into one piece. Are the improvisations similar or different, and why?

Musicians: Think of a conversation you had recently, whether is was as trivial as discussing what you’re making for dinner or as complex as sharing about difficult times. Turn that conversation into music! Whether you capture the ambience or each individual word, create a thoughtful representation of your past conversation. Does your improvisation make you think differently about that conversation?

*Good for musicians to try, too!