Improvisation Prompt: Improvise a solo or cadenza

In this final week of our 10-Week Improvisation Challenge, we invite you to simply…improvise! This could be an incredibly freeing or frighteningly daunting experience, so read below to find out our suggestions for improvising with no strings attached.

Adult non-musicians: Close your eyes and imagine a sound you could make, maybe using your voice, or your hands on a table, etc. Make that sound, then imagine again and make the next sound. It might take a while to imagine a new sound each time, or it might come to you quickly. Remember that spaces of silence can make great music, and on the other hand, sometimes it’s ok to throw caution to the wind and explore a new sound world. How did you feel improvising this way?

K–8: Close your eyes and imagine a sound you can make with your instrument. Maybe the sound is conventional, such as playing a Bb on a trumpet, or maybe it’s less conventional, like tapping your fingernails on the outside of the trumpet. Make the sound, then try to imagine a new sound, and make that one. Keep making sounds for about a minute, and don’t forget to include silences. Does your finished product sound connected, or does each musical idea sound different? Do you like how it sounds? Depending on how you answered those questions, you can try this process again and make changes to find something you like better.

Musicians: Close your eyes and center yourself. Imagine a sound, and make it. Then imagine a new sound, and make that sound. As you continue to do this, consider incorporating silences or allowing your created sounds to lead you somewhere new. What does it feel like creating this way? Would you do anything different next time?