“Here’s To..”

Virtual Chamber Music Series

Here’s To.. is an original, virtual music education experience intended to introduce and to honour the incredible contributions and gifts of queer, BIPOC female artists, musicians/composers, sculptors, authors, etc to the history of the US and the world whose contributions often go deliberately ignored.

  1. White men get too much airtime. Period. We’re here to help expand the narrative

  2. Because ignorance is killing us and we desire that you widen your worldview, kill your ego, and look beyond the standard racist, white-centered history we are taught.

The Series functions as a musical “toast” to the many brilliantly talented queer, BIPOC women, many of which whom did not receive their due in their lifetime and have greatly influenced the Arts as we know it today. So far we have honoured renowned black author Phillis Wheatley, proto-feminist, nun and composer Sor Juana de La Cruz, self-described  “Black feminist, lesbian, poet, mother, warrior” Audre Lorde, powerhouse essayist and activist Toni Morrison, and Pauline Oliveros, electronic composer and founder of Deep Listening.


Here’s To… Phillis


The first in our virtual Concert series! We are happy to pay tribute to the extraordinary poet and mother of the African-American Literary tradition, Phillis Wheatley!


Here’s To… Toni


Starting off Season 2 of our “Here’s To” series is dedicated to award winning novelist, university professor, essayist, first African American woman to win a Nobel Prize in Literature as well as a Presidential Medal of Freedom awardee’ the true icon of American Literature, Toni Morrison.

Here’s To… Sor Juana


The second in our virtual concert series! Join us as we honor the first published feminist author of the New World (the Americas), a national icon of Mexico, and all around badass, the indomitable Sor Juana de la Cruz!

Here’s To… Pauline


Here’s To… Audre Lorde


The final concert for the season in our online series! We are so very honored to pay tribute to the self- described Black feminist, lesbian, poet, mother and warrior Audre Lorde. An internationally recognized civil rights activist and artist, Audre Lorde‘s prose, essays and poems address womanism, feminism, civil rights, illness, disability and the exploration of the black feminine. Come and learn with us!